
This page hosts custom lesson plans and training modules, called capsules, that go beyond the standard tutorials provided in the Energia guide. You can think of a capsule like a classroom course pack. Each capsule is designed to be consumed in an hour or more and contains detailed presentation and lab material to be used in an educational context. This includes explanations of concepts and step by step procedures that explain what is happening and what concepts are being demonstrated. Most capsules will require some hardware components, as hands-on learning is very important when teaching electronics and engineering.

K-12 Capsule (90 minutes)

This capsule is designed as a workshop that can be completed in 90-120 minutes. The target audience is for middle school and highschool students and is meant as an introduction to electronics, which means students with little or no exposure to electronics, software programming, Energia, or LaunchPads. This capsule may not be suited for students who have some experience with electronics, Energia, or LaunchPads.

Required Hardware (per student or they can work in pairs)

  • MSP430G2 LaunchPad (MSP-EXP430G2) or MSP430F5529 LaunchPad (MSP-EXP430F5529LP)

  • Small breadboard

  • Potentiometer

  • Jumper wires

  • (Optional) LEDs

  • (Optional) Pushbuttons

Presentation Slides: K-12_Energia_Capsule.pptx

Lab Material: Coming Soon!

Video Content: N/A

IoT Capsule (90 minutes)

This capsule is designed to give an overview of LaunchPad and then shift over into the concept of Internet of Things. The target audience is for University students and above who have some background in engineering, electronics, Energia, or LaunchPads.

Required Hardware

  • CC3200 LaunchPad (CC3200-LAUNCHXL)

Presentation Slides: IoT_Energia_Capsule.pptx

Lab Material: Coming Soon!

Video Content: N/A

SIK Capsule (3-4 hours)

This capsule goes through the entire Sparkfun Inventor’s Kit guide examples. This is a long workshop that can last several hours depending on the student. The target audience is for students in middle school, high school, or university with some minor exposure to electronics and software development. This capsule can be taken by beginners but they may encounter some challenges and will require help from the instructor. Students will be required to build multiple circuits by hand using a breadboard.

Required Hardware

  • MSP430 LaunchPad

  • Sparkfun Inventor’s Kit

Presentation Slides: Coming Soon!

Lab Material: Coming Soon!

Video Content: N/A

MSP430 Design Capsule (6-8 hours)

This capsule goes through the TI MSP430 Design workshop. This is a full day workshop. The target audience is professionals or university students with good exposure to electronics and software development and will introduce them to the MSP430 architecture. This capsule can be taken by beginners but they may encounter some challenges and will require help from the instructor. Students will be required to perform various labs with their MSP430 LaunchPad.

Required Hardware

  • MSP430 LaunchPad

Other helpful resources

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